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Extract and certificate of civil status


Login with your European identification

Warning: every field with a * is required

This form allows you to request an extract and certificate of your civil status.

This form takes around 10 minutes to fill out. You can't save the form to continue later. If you stay on the same page for longer than 15 minutes, you will be logged out for the safety of your own information.


There are costs involved for this form. At the end of the form, you can pay with iDeal or Creditcard. 

DigiD or European login

The municipality Mook en Middelaar works with DigiD: Digital Identity. For more information on DigiD can be found on the website. If you do not have a DigiD, you can register for a DigiD on the website. This is for Dutch citizens only.

The municipality Mook en Middelaar also works with European logins. For more information on European logins can be found on the website. If you do not have an eID, you can register for an eID in your country of citizenship.


   eIDAS logoDigiD logo

How do you want to login? *